Category Archives: Uncategorized

Augmented Reality films

By | August 23, 2012

Recently, via the IEET, I’ve come across two excellent films exploring the possible impact of augmented reality on our lives. There are positives, but also negatives. The first, Sight, is only 8 minutes long, and focuses on a guy using AR apps to help him date. All goes well, until, well, I’ll let you watch… Read More »

Prosthetic Athletics

By | August 21, 2012

I’m more than a little impressed by the audacity of Philippe Croizon. Despite having had his arms and legs amputated, he’s successfully swum the English Channel, the Straits of Gibraltar, a chunk of the Red Sea, and is now swimming Bering Strait. To do this, he swims freestyle, with flipper-like leg prosthetics attached to the… Read More »

Markets inside the organization

By | August 12, 2012

There’s a double standard in the rhetoric around markets that’s always intrigued me: Free markets are the best way to organize society Central planning and command leadership is the best way to organize large organizations such as corporations and government The first claim is regularly heard in political discourse, while the second is rarely made… Read More »

CHI 2012 – HCI for Peace workshop

By | May 6, 2012

I spent Saturday at the HCI for Peace workshop representing the Voices from the Rwandan Tribunal project. It was fairly informal, with only 10 participants, which made it easy for everyone to participate in the discussion. Several participants presented projects they’ve worked on, including: Lahiru Jayatilaka, a Sri Lankan PhD student from Stanford, who presented… Read More »

2011 Big Gaming Week – Wine Tasting

By | December 30, 2011

Played in Big Gaming Week 2011 this week, a gathering of friends now scattered around the world as part of the NZ diaspora, drawn home for Christmas and New Years. We’re in our eighth or so year now. In addition to the normal LAN, board, and RP games, we added a few things to line-up,… Read More »

My examined Dragonlance campaign

By | June 19, 2011

At around age 10, I read the Dragonlance Chronicles, my first real introduction to the world of fantasy fiction. When I discovered they were based on a series of D&D modules, I immediately wanted to run them. In 2000-2002ish, Nick did just that. I played, along with the usual suspects, and though the game was… Read More »

Skyscraper catalogue

By | June 14, 2011

I need to plug this site: Skyscraper Page. Despite its not so imaginative name*, the site is a veritable gold mine of information both awesome and mundane, listing skyscrapers all over the world, with their construction dates, heights, floor count, and other information, along with scale sketches for most. Sadly, though it lists every building… Read More »

Baudelaire on games, posthumously

By | June 13, 2011

Even though much art is concerned with representing the real, it’s not about photo-realism so much as it is about interpretation and re-presentation. Spotted this lovely quote which captures that: Drawing is a struggle between nature and the artist, in which the better the artist understands the intentions of nature, the more easily he will… Read More »